Science Report. Does Red Meat Cause Cancer?

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LEARN THE SCIENCE! Conveniently download this 33-page science report. Plus, get links to extra reading materials and scientific references.


Headlines often link red meat with cancer. Some go as far as saying that red meat “kills”. Why are these claims being made? And what is in red meat that is not found in other animal products? Before we set off any panic alarms on read meat, let's review the current scientific evidence, in an unbiased way.

Conveniently download this 33-page science report. Contains links to extra reading materials and scientific references.

Topics covered in this report:

  • Red meat in the headlines
  • What's an epidemiological study?
  • Case-control studies
  • Prospective cohort studies
  • Red meat and cancer associations
  • Do they prove cancer causation?
  • Where's the biological evidence?
  • Mutagens from high-heat cooking
  • What are HCAs and PAHs?
  • N-Nitrosamines in processed meats
  • Other hypotheses for the cancer link
  • Could it be your genetics?
  • What about high-protein and IGF-I?
  • Previous research
  • A caveat on low-protein diets
  • Why red meat (and not other animal products)?
  • New research: Neu5Gc in red meat
  • What were the study's results?
  • So, does red meat cause cancer?
  • Your key takeaways
  • Learn more
  • References and resources

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